How does Abortion Work?

Abortion is widely popularized as a pregnancy control or family planning method; even though there are many laws by many governments in the world and the religious bodies which speak against the practice of abortion, many ladies both young and old still practice this medical procedure. In the U.S there are two types of abortions practiced, the abortion pill and the in clinic abortion.
Many people would talk ill about abortion, but the truth is that out of every 3 women in America alone, one has had an abortion at some point in her life. Pregnancy is a very delicate situation and it requires a woman to be in her best state of mind and financial control to be able to comfortably bring forth life.

There are many cases where abortion is advised for example, if and when a lady was raped and she gets traumatized by the cruel action that she forcefully underwent, the least of problems she needs is a pregnancy that she is not prepared to endure. If you are already pregnant but not ready to have a child then you are probably thinking of abortion as the perfect solution. At this point you have many things to think about, some of the questions you also need to ask yourself is how does abortion work? Below is an in depth discussion of how both types of abortions work to ensure that the process is successful.

The Abortion Pill

First off, you need both of your parents or guardians permission or presence before you can get an abortion if you are well below the age of 18. The abortion pill involves the intake of a medicine pill to end an early pregnancy. It has been proved to be the most effective and safe way to achieve great results; it is also available in many Planned Parenthood health centers at an average cost of $300 to $800.

How It Works
The abortion pill is primarily administered within 63 days or 9 weeks of pregnancy; the medicine used in the pill is called mifepristone. With the pill you rest assured of a 90% chance that your problem is gone; in rare situations the medicine might fail to work and the pregnancy may continue, alert your doctor as soon as possible. To remedy this fault you need an aspiration abortion to quickly end the pregnancy since these medicines can cause serious long term birth defects in the long run.
Your doctor will give you an abortion pill at the clinic together with some antibiotics to take after the abortion pill. The pill works by actively blocking the hormone progesterone, without this hormone, the uterus lining disintegrates thus discontinuing the pregnancy. After the first pill, misoprosal is administered to you, this medicine causes the uterus to empty and it is during this time that you will experience some heavy bleeding and cramps. The last and final step in this procedure is the medical follow up; for close to two weeks you will visit your health care giver for checkups to ensure that the abortion was successful.

In Clinic Abortion

In clinic abortion is also another effective and safe way to end pregnancies that are in the 1st trimester that is the 10th week and beyond. It is also available in many Planned Parenthood health care centers at an average cost of $300 to $950. More than one kind of in clinic abortion is practiced but the most common is aspiration and is normally conducted within the period lasting up to the 16th week after lady’s last period. D and E or dilation and evacuation is the other kind of in clinic abortion, it is usually performed later than 16 weeks after a lady’s last period.

How It Works
In clinic abortions work best once the 1st trimester sets in, at this stage, the fetus is begging to develop and the pregnancy has in many ways begun to grow and mature.
Aspiration Abortion
During an aspiration abortion, your doctor examines your uterus; you will get medication or sedation for the resultant pain. A speculum is then inserted into your vagina and your doctor will inject an anesthetizing medication into or next to your cervix. The cervix opening may be stretched out with dilators which are a sequence of thick rods, they slowly stretch the cervix open; medication can also be used with the dilators. To prevent any infection, antibiotics will be given to you; a tube is then introduced through the cervix and into the uterus. The doctor then uses a suction machine or hand held suction gadget to gently empty your uterus. In most cases an instrument called the curette is used to eliminate any lingering tissue that lines the uterus. The procedure may take 5 to 10 minutes but more time is usually spent preparing your cervix and talking to your doctor.

Dilation and Evacuation

After your doctor has thoroughly examined your uterus, some medication or sedation will be administered to you for the pain. Likened to the aspiration abortion, a speculum is inserted into your vagina and dilators into your cervix to prepare it. Antibiotics will be given to you to prevent infection; since it is a procedure dealing with a pregnancy that is well into the second trimester, a shot through the abdomen ensures that there is fetal demise before the procedure actually begins. The doctor will then inject an anesthetizing medication near or into your cervix; a suction machine is then used to gently empty your uterus. This procedure takes 10 to 20 minutes in approximation, but more time is spent in the physical examination and preparation and a one hour recovery period. Bleeding after all in clinic procedures is very normal and it may last up to 6 weeks; it may also entail some heavy bleeding for a few days and characteristic bleeding that stops and starts all over. Ensure that you observe all crucial check up’s after any abortion.

Never limit yourself to one source of information about abortion; how does abortion work? Is a question regularly asked and you shouldn’t be afraid to get the precise answers

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