111 Teenage Life Quotes

40 Very Short Teenage Life Quotes

  1. “No boy is worth your teenage years!.” – Hayley Williams
  2. “I was a happy kid up until I hit the teen years.” – Rick Springfield
  3. “Everything about my teenage life was almost ideal.” – Esther Williams
  4. “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.” – Aristotle
  5. “If you just watch a teenager, you see a lot of uncertainty.”   – Jamie Lee Curtis
  6. “Telling a teenager the facts of life is like giving a fish a bath.” – Arnold H. Glasow
  7. “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” – e. cummings
  8. “You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.”  – Dave Barry
  9. “In the time it takes you to understand a 14-year-old, he turns 15. ”  – Robert Brault
  10. “The teenage years are ridiculously crucial and hard and, um, awkward.”  – Aimee Teegarden
  11. “Teenagers complain there’s nothing to do, then stay out all night doing it”  – Bob Phillips
  12. “Live your life like you are 80 years old looking back on your teenage years.”  – Taylor Swift
  13. “Impressing a bunch of snooty teenagers is a pretty lame life goal to have.” – Vera Brosgol
  14. “I haven’t really forgotten what it’s like to be a teenager and how much it sucked.” – Ben Weasel
  15. “I love being a teen because you don’t have all the responsibilities of an adult yet.”     –  Elizabeth Gillies
  16. “Anybody who has a problem with ‘Skins’ obviously doesn’t understand teenage life.” –  Nicholas Hoult
  17. “I think there is a point in every teenager’s life where they are forced to come into themselves.” –  Shailene Woodley
  18. “Don’t laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find a face of his own.”  – Logan Pearsall Smith
  19. “Too many adults wish to ‘protect’ teenagers when they should be stimulating them to read of life as it is lived.” – Margaret A. Edwards
  20. “How strange that the young should always think the world is against them – when in fact that is the only time it is for them.”  – Mignon McLaughlin
  21. “Young people are in a condition like permanent intoxication, because youth is sweet and they are growing. ” – Aristotle
  22. “As a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.”  – Fran Lebowitz
  23. “I don’t know what better teenage life you could get than going around the world doing what you love to do.” – Anna Kournikova
  24. “Teens think listening to music helps them concentrate. It doesn’t. It relieves them of the boredom that concentration on homework induces.”  – Marilyn vos Savant
  25. “The donning of the ear buds marks the beginning of teen life, when children set off on their own for the passage through adolescence. ”  – Amity Shlaes
  26. “I think the hardest part about being a teenager is dealing with other teenagers – the criticism and the ridicule, the gossip and rumors.”  – Beverly Mitchell
  27. “I had a very happy childhood, happy teenage years and I was famous by the time I was 22. A charmed life.” – Rik Mayall
  28. “When you discover first love as a teenager, your whole life revolves around it and you open yourself up to it.” – Patrick Dempsey
  29. “You walk around feeling like a teenager and immortal your whole life, and suddenly there isn’t much time left.” – Stieg Larsson
  30. “The sudden surge of hormones at teenage age will continue to play an important part in the life of young people” – Oche Otorkpa
  31. “Although emotionally delicate and eminently bruisable, teenagers are short on empathy. That comes later in life, if it comes at all.” – Stephen King
  32. “Teenage life – possibly adult life too is all about what you want and can’t have. And then about what you receive and misuse.” – Jonathan Lethem
  33. “The young always have the same problem how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another.”     – Quentin Crisp
  34. “As a teenage girl myself, I’ve gone through times in my life where I’ve felt insecure about who I am and have tried so hard to fit in with everyone else.” – Kelli Berglund
  35. “As a teenager you are at the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.” –  Fran Lebowitz
  36. “When you are in your teenage years you are consciously experiencing everything for the first time, so adolescent stories are all beginnings. There are never any endings.”     – Aidan Chambers
  37. “I was very much a mess, as a person. I’d come from a very turbulent teenage life, with parents who had broken up in a very bad way, and a lot of illness at school.” – By Marc Almond
  38. “Rosie [her teenage daughter] had a secret life now, was putting together her own tribe, finding her identity there, and it was great to see, and it hurt like hell.” – Anne Lamott
  39. “I’m excited for people to realize that I’m 25 years old and not a teenager anymore… even though I still look 18 and can’t get into a bar to save my life!” –  Brittany Snow
  40. “These teenager looks aren’t going to last forever, and that there are much better foundation to build a life upon than how attractive you are.” –  David Levithan

11 Teenage Life Quotes By Unknown Authors

  1. “A teenager is always too tired to hold a dishcloth, but never too tired to hold a phone.”   — By Unknown Author
  2. “It’s difficult to decide whether growing pains are something teenagers have or are.”     — By Unknown Author
  3. “Drama, lies, tears…teenage years. ”    – By Unknown Author
  4. “Too many of today’s children have straight teeth and crooked morals.”    – By Unknown Author
  5. “Teenagehood — that time in life when you show your individuality by looking like everyone else.”    – By Unknown Author
  6. “We change, we grow up, we fuck up, we love, we hurt, we’re teenagers. We’re still learning.” – By Unknown Author
  7. “To be a great teenager you need not sit like a rock but work like a clock for life is not a game but a challenge you must win.” – By Unknown Author
  8. “Dear restroom, you aren’t just a bathroom. You are a place to talk, cry, gossip and escape from my class. Sincerely, teenagers.” – By Unknown Author
  9. “Cheers to the teenage years: Hanging out, making out, sneaking out, freaking out, whatever happens, happens. No regrets!” – By Unknown Author
  10. “Life’s too short to have everything perfect. Let your hair out, go wild, be free, and who gives a damn what people think about you…live life!!” – By Unknown Author
  11. “Life is what happens when your cell phone is charging.” – By Unknown Author

20 Short Teenage Life Quotes

  1. “All teenagers have this desire to somehow run away.” – Joan Chen
  2. “There’s only one panacea for ALL your worries, dear teenager..GOD.” – Ehimen A.
  3. “Your modern teenager is not about to listen to advice from an old person, defined as a person who remembers when there was no Velcro.” – Dave Barry
  4. “To me, impossibility died seventeen years ago. Actually, a minute before my birth, so I live a world of possibility.” – Olalekan Olatunbosun
  5. “My life as a teenage consists of spending quality time with people who matter most, having fun and making new and irreplaceable memories which live on forever and become unforgettable.” –  Rob Lloyd
  6. “But when I was a teenager, the idea of spending the rest of my life in a factory was real depressing. So the idea that I could become a musician opened up some possibilities I didn’t see otherwise.” –  Wayne Kramer
  7. “I have something that makes me happy on some level and this is a good way for me to deal with the torment of that teenage life gave me” – Marilyn Manson
  8. “I always wanted to experience the street life because my teenage life in Aberdeen was so boring. But I was never really independent enough to do it. I applied for food stamps, lived under the bridge, and built a fort at the cedar mill.” – Kurt Cobain
  9. “The area of teenage life is not necessarily rarefied; we’ve all gone through that period. It’s not as rarefied as a western or a space adventure or a gangster film, but it has its own dynamic. ” – Gus Van Sant
  10. “I developed this fantasy world. I found that that was much more fun and more interesting and exciting than real life was to me. Then, once I got the guitar going when I was a teenager, I set sail for the direction I’ve been in my whole life.” – Don McLean
  11. “They say teenagers can sleep all day. I often used to look at dogs and be amazed by the way they seemed to sleep for twenty hours a day. But I envied them too. It was the kind of lifestyle I could relate to.We didn’t sleep for twenty hours, but we gave it our best shot.” – John Marsden
  12. “I’m a teenager, but I’m independent – I have my own apartment, I have my own life. And I think I have learned more than any of those teenagers have in school. I learned to be responsible, leaving my family and coming here alone.” – Adriana Lima
  13. “I have a fondness for writing about precocious, troubled teenagers, who are alienating, but kind of endearing. It’s from remembering so clearly that time in my own life. I experienced myself as more dramatically troubled than I was, but I just remember how it felt.” – Ann Hood
  14. “As a teenager, I always intended to do my homework. But when the supplicant dead come to you for justice and you also have occasional prophetic dreams, life tends to interfere with your studies.” – Dean Koontz
  15. “The area of teenage life is not necessarily rarefied; we’ve all gone through that period. It’s not as rarefied as a western or a space adventure or a gangster film, but it has its own dynamic.” – Gus Van Sant
  16. “There’s a taste in the air, sweet and vaguely antiseptic, that reminds him of his teenage years in these streets, and of a general state of longing, a hunger for life to begin that from this distance seems like happiness.” – Ian McEwan
  17. “Now when I was a teenager, I was angsty as any teenager was, but after 17 years of having a mother who was in and out of my life like a yo-yo and a father who was faceless, I was angry.” – Jarrett J. Krosoczka
  18. “Believe me, if you’re a teenager, you’re always in the damned woods. Literally, you’re in the woods — probably too much you’re in the woods. And metaphorically you’re in the woods, in your life.” – Jay Parini
  19. “Most teenage suicide attempts are cries for help; the teens survive, succeeding in bringing them the wanted attention. Mine was not a cry for help. I wanted to end my life and my misery.” – Sharon E. Rainey
  20. “The area of teenage life is not necessarily rarefied; we’ve all gone through that period. It’s not as rarefied as a western or a space adventure or a gangster film, but it has its own dynamic.” – Gus Van Sant

40 Teenage Life Quotes – Long Quotes about Teenage

  1. “When adults say, “Teenagers think they are invincible” with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don’t know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.” – John Green
  2. “The most important role models should and could be parents and teachers. But that said, once you’re a teenager you’ve probably gotten as much of an example from your parents as you’re going to.” –  Andrew Shue
  3. “You have teenagers thinking they’re going to make millions as NBA stars when that’s not realistic for even 1 percent of them. Becoming a scientist or engineer is.” – Dean Kamen
  4. “I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was plain weird.” – Uma Thurman
  5. “My teenage years were exactly what they were supposed to be. Everybody has their own path. It’s laid out for you. It’s just up to you to walk it.” – Justin Timberlake
  6. “Being a teenager is an amazing time and a hard time. It’s when you make your best friends – I have girls who will never leave my heart and I still talk to. You get the best and the worst as a teen. You have the best friendships and the worst heartbreaks.” – Sophia Bush
  7. “Me: “I refuse to attend Support Group.”Mom: “One of the symptoms of depression is disinterest in activities.”Me: “Please just let me watch America’s Next Top Model. It’s an activity.”Mom: “Television is a passivity.”Me: “Ugh, Mom, please.”Mom: “Hazel, you’re a teenager. You’re not a little kid anymore. You need to make friends, get out of the house, and live your life.”Me: “If you want me to be a teenager, don’t send me to Support Group. Buy me a fake ID so I can go to clubs, drink vodka, and take pot.”Mom: “You don’t take pot, for starters.”Me: “See, that’s the kind of thing I’d know if you got me a fake ID.”Mom: “You’re going to Support Group.”Me: “UGGGGGGGGGGGGG.”Mom: “Hazel, you deserve a life.” – John Green
  8. “From the moment I laid eyes on you I couldn’t stop looking at you. From the moment we talked I couldn’t stop arguing with you. From the moment we kissed I couldn’t stop kissing you. And from the moment we shared our hopes, fears and insecurities I couldn’t stop loving you.” – Simone Elkeles, How to Ruin My Teenage Life
  9. “Teenagers all think their life is a movie. If you break up with someone or you have a fight, you walk around with movie scores playing in your head. You sort of see yourself suffering as you’re suffering. There’s a lot of melodrama attached to the real events of your life.” – Kenneth Lonergan
  10. “On the boardwalk the arcade jukebox plays all night surrounded by teenagers–sometimes twenty bodies deep, bare-skinned and full of energy for the music, for one another, for life, for the little bit of freedom they taste in the salt air and their skin. My father finds his place in this crowd. They are a force together. They don’t do drugs. They don’t drink. But they do music, and their power comes from their numbers and the thrill of being young on the beach at night.” – Laura Schenone
  11. “I’m pro-choice because I’ve never been a fourteen-year-old incest victim pregnant by her father, or a woman who’s going to die if her pregnancy continues, or even a teenager who made a mistake or a rape victim. I want women to have choices, but I also believe that it’s a life, especially once it’s big enough to live outside the womb. – Laurell K. Hamilton
  12. “All Julie has to do is explain to her friends that she’s using it to individually seal each item that she throws out.””Then they’d think she was a geek,” I said.”She will thank me later,” Monk said.”Why would she thank you for being considered a geek?””Don’t you know anything about teenage life?” Monk said. “It’s a badge of respect.””It is?””I was one,” he said.”You don’t say.””A very special one. I was crowned King of the Geeks, not once, but every single year of high school,” Monk said. “It’s a record that remains unbroken in my school to this day.””Were there a lot of students who wanted to be King of the Geeks?””It’s like being homecoming king, only better. You don’t have to go to any dances,” Monk said. “You aren’t even invited.” – Lee Goldberg
  13. “Because the enormous narcissism of their parents deprived Will and Tom of suitable role models, both brothers learned to identify with absence. Consequently, even if something beneficial fortuitously entered their lives they immediately treated it as temporary. By the time they were teenagers they were already accustomed to a discontinuous lifestyle marked by constant threats of abandonment and the lack of any emotional stability. Unfortunately, “accustomed to” here is really synonymous with “damaged by.” – Mark Z. Danielewski
  14. “Teenage girls, please don’t worry about being super popular in high school, or being the best actress in high school, or the best athlete. Not only do people not care about any of that the second you graduate, but when you get older, if you reference your successes in high school too much, it actually makes you look kind of pitiful, like some babbling old Tennessee Williams character with nothing else going on in her current life. What I’ve noticed is that almost no one who was a big star in high school is also big star later in life. For us overlooked kids, it’s so wonderfully fair.” – Mindy Kaling
  15. “Whatever is said about roles drying up, I intend to keep working. Certainly now the roles couldn’t be more interesting – playing mothers, divorcees. I think it’s going to be exciting to play a mother of teenagers. The longer your life, the deeper it gets.” – Naomi Watts
  16. “In fact, when we listen to the church today, at least in the West, we are often left with impression that Christianity actually has very little to do with truth. Christianity is only about feeling better about ourselves, about leaping over our difficulties, about being more satisfied, about have better relationships, about getting on with our mothers-in-law, about understanding teenage rebellion, about coping with our unreasonable bosses, about finding greater sexual satisfaction, about getting rich, about receiving our own private miracles, and much else besides. It is about everything except truth. And yet this truth, personally embodied in Christ, gives us a place to stand in order to deal with the complexities of life, such as broken relations, teenage rebellion, and job insecurities.” – David F. Wells
  17. “[Leslie Bennett] You have a teenager who desperately wants to separate…If you don’t have a career, these New Domesticity types are likely to find themselves standing in the kitchen with all these domestic skills and no outlet for them, no way to earn a living…. [A]t that point your kids are not thanking you for having made the hand-pureed baby food and for giving them homemade cookies. They don’t feel you’ve done them a big favor; they say, “Why didn’t she ever grow up and take responsibility for her own life?” – Emily Matchar
  18. “Daily I walk around my small, picturesque town with a thought bubble over my head: Person Going Through A Divorce. When I look at other people, I automatically form thought bubbles over their heads. Happy Couple With Stroller. Innocent Teenage Girl With Her Whole Life Ahead Of Her. Content Grandmother And Grandfather Visiting Town Where Their Grandchildren Live With Intact Parents. Secure Housewife With Big Diamond. Undamaged Group Of Young Men On Skateboards. Good Man With Baby In BabyBjörn Who Loves His Wife. Dogs Who Never Have To Worry. Young Kids Kissing Publicly. Then every so often I see one like me, one of the shambling gaunt women without makeup, looking older than she is: Divorcing Woman Wondering How The Fuck This Happened. ” – Suzanne Finnamore
  19. “Only teenagers think boring is bad. Adults, grown men and women who’ve been around the block a few times, know that boring is a gift straight from God.  Life has more than enough excitement up its sleeve, ready to hit you with as soon as you’re not looking, without you adding to the drama.” – Tana French
  20. “People you knew when you were teenagers, the ones who saw your stupidest haircut and the most embarrassing things you’ve done in your life, and they still cared about you after all that: they’re not replaceable, you know?” – Tana French
  21. I’m very interested in the way the Internet has changed teenage life. Obviously it’s very different from when I grew up, when there weren’t even answering machines, much less computers. I was telling my children this the other day, and the little one said, “Did you have electricity, Mom?” and I was like okay, enough, kid. – Jennifer Egan
  22. “Teenage girls today need strong, positive role models that can show them how to be independent thinkers and confident decision-makers. Dana is proud and self-confident, which is good, but she does not always make wise decisions. Rather than make her a super woman, I balanced her with difficult situations that could have been handled better. Her strength, however, shines through. This way, a young woman can read the book, discuss Dana’s actions, and reflect on the decision-making in her own life.” – Sharon M. Draper
  23. “Look, this isn’t The Mummy. It’s not like a teenaged girl’s diary could resurrect the dead or anything. It’s just the story of her innocuous life. What on earth could an ancient girl have known that would be worth killing someone over? (Tory)You’re asking me that question? People kill each other over a pair of shoes or for wearing the same jacket. (Acheron)” – Sherrilyn Kenyon
  24. “At their core, Tiger Eyes, Forever…, and Sally J. Freeman are all books about teenage issues, but to an adult reader, the parents’ story lines seem to almost overshadow their daughters. I’m bringing an entirely new set of experiences to these novels now, and my reward is a fresh set of story lines that i missed the first time around. I’m sure that in twenty or thirty years I’ll read these books again and completely identify with all the grandparent characteristics.  That’s the wonderful thing about Judy Blume – you can revisit her stories at any stage in life and find a character who strikes a deep chord of recognition.  I’ve been there, I’m in the middle of this, someday that’ll be me.  The same characters, yet somehow completely different. (Beth Kendrick)” – Jennifer O’Connell
  25. “The same teen who can’t legally operate a four-wheeler, or [ATV]…in a farm lane workplace environment can operate a jacked-up F-250 pickup on a crowded urban expressway. By denying these [farm work] opportunities to bring value to their own lives and the community around them, we’ve relegated our young adults to teenage foolishness.  Then as a culture we walk around shaking our heads in bewilderment at these young people with retarded maturity.  Never in life do people have as much energy as in their teens, and to criminalize leveraging it is certainly one of our nation’s greatest resource blunders.” – Joel Salatin
  26. “For who brooded over the meaninglessness of life anymore? Teenagers. They were the only ones who were preoccupied with existential issues, and as a result there was something puerile and immature about them, and hence it was doubly impossible for adults with their sense of propriety intact to deal with them. However, this is not so strange for we never feel more strongly and passionately about life than in our teenage years, when we step into the world for the first time, as it were, and all our feelings are new feelings. So there they are, with their big ideas on small orbits, looking this way and that for an opportunity to launch them, as the pressure builds. And who is it they light upon sooner or later but Uncle Dostoevsky.” – Karl Ove Knausgård
  27. “A balanced life has a rhythym. But we live in a time, and in a culture, that encourages everyone to just move faster. I’m learning that if I don’t take the time to tune in to my own more deliberate pace, I end up moving to someone else’s, the speed of events around me setting a tempo that leaves me feeling scattered and out of touch with myself. I know now that I can’t write fast; that words, my own thoughts and ideas, come to the surface slowly and in silence. A close relationship with myself requires slowness. Intimacy with my husband and guarded teenage sons requires slowness. A good conversation can’t be hurried, it needs time in which to meander its way to revelation and insight. Even cooking dinner with care and attention is slow work. A thoughtful life is not rushed.” – Katrina Kenison
  28. “In idyllic small towns I sometimes see teenagers looking out of place in their garb of desperation, the leftover tatters and stains and slashes of the fashion of my youth. For this phase of their life, the underworld is their true home, and in the grit and underbelly of a city they could find something that approximates it. Even the internal clock of adolescents changes, making them nocturnal creatures for at least a few years. All through childhood you grow toward life and then in adolescence, at the height of life, you begin to grow toward death. This fatality is felt as an enlargement to be welcomed and embraced, for the young in this culture enter adulthood as a prison, and death reassures them that there are exits. “I have been half in love with easeful death,” said Keats who died at twenty-six and so were we, though the death we were in love with was only an idea then.” – Rebecca Solnit
  29. “Your peers when you’re a teenager will always be the keepers of your embarrassment and regret. It was one of life’s great injustices, that you can move on and be accomplished and happy, but the moment you see someone from high school you immediately become the person you were then, not the person you are now.” – Sarah Addison Allen
  30. “Mrs. Hamilton told me teenagers are resilient, that we’ll bounce back,” he scoffs. “And I’m thinking, Okay. When?”I don’t remember Mrs. Hamilton saying that, but I’ve heard the theory before. That the younger you are, the quicker you can normalize an event and move on, because you don’t know any other way of life. It just becomes a small part of your narrative as the years go by. But it seems to me the younger you are when something bad happens to you, the longer you have to carry it with you.” – Sarah Skilton
  31. “Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two teenage “star-cross’d lovers” whose untimely deaths ultimately unite their feuding households. It was among Shakespeare’s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal “young lovers”. (From Wikipedia)” – Jane Austen
  32. “It’s not easy to diagnose because depending where the endometrial deposits are, the symptoms can be quite different. It’s an unrecognized problem among teenage girls, and it’s something that every young woman who has painful menstruation should be aware of … it’s a condition that is curable if it’s caught early. If not, if it’s allowed to run on, it can cause infertility, and it can really mess up your life.[Author Hilary Mantel on being asked about being a writer with endometriosis, Nov 2012 NPR interview]” – Hilary Mantel
  33. “Knowing what Dan’s face had looked like in Kabul, the night they’d spent in the hotel room. What he’d said. My light, my life, my sanity, my love. Nothing of that had been wrong. Not the sex, the kisses, the teenager oaths of staying together, always, rain, shine, life, death. I’d die for you. Live for me. Hold me. Fucking hold me.” – Aleksandr Voinov
  34. “If you`re wondering how you`ll find time, it means you don`t really want to read. Because nobody`s ever got time. Children certainly haven`t, nor have teenagers or grown-ups. Life always gets in the way. <…>Time to read is always time stolen. <…>Stolen from what? From the tyranny of living.”- p.125″ – Daniel Pennac
  35. “As a teenager, my blackness was also questioned by some of the life choices I made that weren’t considered to be ‘black’ choices. For example, joining the swim team when it is a known fact that ‘black folk don’t swim’; or choosing to become a vegetarian when blacks clearly love chicken.” – Issa Rae
  36. “You know I got kicked out of high school and I used to go to Hendrix concerts. I used to go see Marvin Gaye and B.B. King and so here I am on television as an actor playing the part of this really sweet wholesome all American boy. The reality was I had a much different kind of teenage life.” – David Cassidy
  37. “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.” – Samuel Ullman
  38. “Being a teen can be tough. Just try to surround yourself with really good friends that really have your back, and also be a really good friend to those who really care about you. If you’re not sure about certain things, talk to your friends that you trust and your family. ” –Victoria Justice
  39. “To all those mothers and fathers who are struggling with teen-agers, I say, just be patient: even though it looks like you can’t do anything right for a number of years, parents become popular again when kids reach 20.” – Marian Wright Edelman
  40. “As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too.” – Johnny Depp

Also check out How To Deal With Teenagers!

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