The question of endometriosis and pregnancy is still a concern to many perhaps due to the fact that it has been linked to cause infertility. Research has shown that up to 7 million women in the US may be suffering from endometriosis. Well, if you don’t know what exactly is this condition and how it can be a danger to your unborn child, here are some information to help you get enlightened.

What is endometriosis during pregnancy and what are its signs and symptoms?

When you get pregnant it is possible that you may be relieved from these symptoms. Research conducted by Sharon Phelan, an obstetrician and gynecologist from university of Mexico showed that the high levels of progesterone you produce during your pregnancy may often induce remission.

The result of this condition can be blockage, scar tissue, ovarian cyst, inflammation and internal bleeding. As much as these symptoms may be hard to bear they can also be the reason that your wishes of having a baby can be ruined; they are likely to make your pregnancy much more difficult.

Click here to know about 11 Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Diagnosis and Tests of Endometriosis

Sometimes it’s actually possible to diagnose endometriosis through CT scan, ultrasounds and MRIs. The truth is however that, they wouldn’t actually give the best results, and only surgery by a qualified medical doctor would give the best results. A doctor needs to look at it, take samples, send them to the laboratory, identify endometrial cells then confirm whether it’s actually endometriosis you are suffering from. Only then can you decide which approach to take in order to make your pregnancy a success.

Link and possible treatment of Endometriosis to pregnancy

Well its quite true that women between 25 and 30 who suffer from endometriosis stand at a greater risk of having miscarriages or even the worse infertility. Though endometriosis and pregnancy are interconnected, it is good, however, to note that they actually oppose each other. A woman who is suffering from this condition may suffer more complications during gestation period.

Yes, endometriosis is a dangerous medical issue especially in pregnancy, but the good news is that it can be treated. There are actually a number of possible treatment options that are believed to eradicate its effects and leave you with relief of bearing a healthy child without any complications. Some of the treatment options include:

Surgery: Here you go through a procedure known as laparotomy where the growth is burned away by a high powered heat source-like laser in order to alleviate inflammation and blockages.

Birth Control Pills and Hormonal therapy: this approach of birth control pills and hormonal therapy is known to slow ovulation if not stopping it completely. As a result the uterine lining tends to remain static hence preventing further growth. It is good, however, to note that this isn’t a long term treatment. It is mainly used to reduce the levels of pain.

Other forms of possible treatments that have been proven to be effective include washed intrauterine insemination and medical suppressive therapy.

Some Facts about Endometriosis and Pregnancy

When you have growth in your lower abdominal tissue, it is recommended that you try conceiving naturally. You can use the help of an ovulation prediction kit to enable you know your probable ovulation date so as to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally. When you have lower levels of endometriosis, you could get well if you go through washed intrauterine insemination, a technique that works best for women who face regular miscarriages due to the disease.

When eliminating the pain and the effects of this disease, it’s good you also adopt some food items especially when you are pregnant. Foods like mushrooms, beans and chicken will go a long way to improve the levels of serotonin in your body and hence reduce the pain and inflammation.

As for those items to avoid, it is recommended you keep of drinks like alcohol and coffee since they increase the levels of estrogen, a hormone that is responsible for multiplication of effects of endometriosis.

How to successfully have a baby?

After treatment of endometriosis, maybe after surgery, many women can go ahead and try to conceive. It is however advisable that to be safe one uses a fertility drug like Clomid in order to aid in stimulation of ovulation.

In severe cases of endometriosis, sometimes the best and most effective way to ensure you are pregnant is using artificial insemination. This guarantees that both the egg and sperm fertilize in the uterus.

It is also good if you are in your twenties you try as much as possible to have your baby early enough. It can be quite difficult trying to get pregnant when you are in your thirties or even forties. You should be aware that there’s no actual prevention for endometriosis yet and many women usually go through abdominal pain during their menstrual period.

A few years ago, very few health specialists knew little about endometriosis and pregnancy. It was assumed that severe menstrual pain was a normal thing of every woman experiencing periods. Latest researches has however differed and showed that it’s a medical problem that can be quite dangerous to women looking to have their own children. Many ask themselves whether it’s really possible to get pregnant while still suffering from the condition. Well, the truth is that in most cases, it is actually possible. The location and extent of the growth usually help determine if or not it may Interfere with conception. This condition may however be treated and a woman given a chance to hold her own baby without major complications during pregnancy.