Milk is one of the most popular and common food considered among humans. From the very first day of birth to growing years, milk is considered one of the important foods for babies. It is believed to be the greatest source of calcium for human body. Milk not only helps in development of bones but it also helps in preventing many deadly diseases. Milk is beneficiary for children and for elders too. When Can Babies Drink Milk; has always being a difficult question to answer. Doctor’s usually suggest giving milk to babies from the age of 1 year. By this they will become habituate of drinking milk and this will also help them in long run. But before starting to feed your baby with Fertility Foods you need to know what is the actual age of giving wholesome milk to your babies and when not to give. Here are certain points which will guide you through.

When Not To Give Milk to Babies?

Whenever anyone asks that When Can Babies Drink Milk; it is important to know when not to give milk to babies. It is always advisable to give milk to babies only after they are 12 months old. As before this age babies are not able to digest milk. Milk contains high amount of proteins and minerals in it which can cause affect to your babies digestive system. Therefore try to start giving milk to your babies only after they reach the age of 1 year.

When to Start Giving Milk ?

When Can Babies Drink Milk is the most common question generally asked by mothers to their pediatrician. Here are some of the tips which will give you an idea before you start giving milk to your babies and toddlers.

Facts to know before Giving Milk to Your Baby

Milk is of course an indispensable part of your baby’s daily diet. But there is right time start giving dairy milk to your baby.

Introduce At the Age Of 1 year

Start giving milk to your baby once your baby reaches or completes 12 months. This is the perfect time to introduce milk or any other kind of food to your baby. At this very age they can digest it properly than giving it in their earlier stage before 12 months. Milk contain large amount of protein and minerals in it to provide growth and development to your baby.

Milk Contains Nutritional Benefit

You can include wholesome milk in your babies’ diet, as milk contains nutrients like calcium, vitamin d and proteins. It is very easily available and it contains much more nutrients value than any other food given to your baby. So include it in your babies’ diet with small portions by measuring it in cup. Always remember to give milk to your baby of around 1 cup or 2 ½ cups not more than that. If milk is taken in more quantity your baby might not able to digest it.

Give Full Fat Milk or Toned Milk to Your Baby

It has been proved that milk contains vitamins like A and D which is very much beneficial for child’s growth and development. Milk also contains proteins which are also considered an essential growth factor for babies. Nowadays doctors suggest fat free milk, due to increased rates of obesity among children. Therefore try to give toned milk to your babies.

Get It Boiled For Your Baby

While starting to give milk to your baby, always boil the milk properly. As raw milk contains harmful bacteria in it, it is therefore suggested to boil it before giving it your baby to drink. Also try to boil the bottle in which you are giving the milk to your baby. This will ensure that the bottle is safe and ready to use.

Add Some Flavors in Milk

If your baby does not like the taste of milk at all, then add some flavors in the milk. This will not encourage your baby to drink milk, but also he will get used to it. Try also some other formulas of mixing milk with flavors on alternate basis. Do follow that it does not becomes a habit of your child as many artificial flavors do not contain any nutritional values, which can cause harm to your babies’ health.

Add Other Kinds of Dairy Products

If your baby does not like milk at all, then you can also add some other dairy products into his diet. You can add yogurt, cheese, or any other supplement instead of milk. But before giving any other supplement to your baby always consult with your pediatrician. It is only the doctors who can suggest you with best options in regards of your child.

Do Check Allergic Reactions

Always keep a check on your babies if he suffers from any allergic reactions, after consuming milk. Allergies in the form of stomach ache, rashes or anything. Stop giving milk at once if you see any kind of allergic reactions like these. You can give green vegetables, fruits and juices to your baby if you find him allergic to milk.

Benefits of Milk for Your Baby

Milk has enormous benefits for your baby. When a child grows up or in the growing years he needs certain foods which help him in growth and development. Milk is considered as one of the best supplement of foods than anything else. Milk is a good source of vitamin A and calcium which is very important for your babies’ bones and teeth. Milk is not only beneficial for development and growth in babies, but it also prevents from many other deadly diseases like cancer, heart attacks etc. Milk also prevents your babies from any fractural injuries in their later years. Not only this milk also prevents your babies from having stones in kidneys and other health related issue in their upcoming years. So introduce milk as soon as possible to your babies and see the results with your own eyes.

We hope that the very popular question-When Can Babies Drink Milk has been clearly answered by the end of this article!